
What is the science behind 8 hours of sleep?



You must have heard a million times that 8 hours of sleep is extremely essential for your endurance and strength. Furthermore, it is a big requirement for our bodies and mind to stay healthy. While some people find it difficult to sleep without help from insomnia doctors chevey chase, other simply love to brag about their ability to stay awake for abnormal periods of time. At the same time, science tells us that a poor sleeping routine can result in a number of changes in the body and can increase the risk of suffering from many diseases. These include heat diseases, obesity, and early death.

The science behind proper sleep

Indeed, sleep is extremely important for a number of different functions. When you are sleeping enough, the brain tells our bodies to release several hormones that reduce the risk of heart diseases, manage levels of hunger, maintain immune system, and retain memory. However, there is no way for you to catch up for your loss of sleep. Due to bad sleep, your immune system will not function correctly. Hence, you are more prone to catching allergies and viruses.

The view of science on sleep

Based on scientific research, if you consistently sleep for less than 7-8 hours a night, your health will be impacted negatively. In this article, we put together everything that science says about sleep.

This will help you in setting up a good sleeping routine for yourself, after all, you will start understanding the consequences of not sleeping enough.

Sleep at least 7 to 8 hours

Science says that an average human being should sleep at least 7 to 8 hours every day. Based on data, those who sleep for less than 7 hours a night are 12% more likely to suffer from premature death. At the same time, those who sleep for more than 9 hours a day have an even higher risk which is 30%.

So, it is incredibly important for you to sleep for just 8 hours every night, in order to stay healthy. Based on researchers’ views, people who sleep less than 7 hours are at a higher risk of developing other diseases.

Sleep manages your appetite

When we are sleeping, the brain releases a number of hormones that regular the human appetite. These chemicals tell us when should feel hungry and when we should not. However, by not sleeping enough, these hormone levels get disturbed and we tend to feel hungry more often. As a result of this, the chances of suffering from obesity increase significantly. Furthermore, it can also increase the body’s need for more energy. This is because when we are sleeping at night, we have a less requirement for calories. However, when we get sleep deprived, our brain releases chemicals that signify hunger. As a result of this, we end up feeling hungry on unnatural hours.

Sleep repairs our immune function

In case you want to stay away from all kinds of diseases in general, it is extremely important to sleep at least 8 hours a night. This is because when we are sleeping, the immune system starts to recover and is at its peak working hours. As a result of this, our body is able to cope up with a number of illnesses. However, consistently not getting enough sleep disturbs the immune system to a point where it cannot actively fight against the incoming viruses and bacteria in the body.

Ending note

Now that you know the view of science on 8 hours of sleep, you should set up a consistent routine. This way, you will be able to stay healthy both in terms of your body and your mind. In case you find it difficult to sleep due to any reason, visit a sleep center bethesda right away and discuss your issues!

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